GradeSaver claims to be one of the top editing and literature sites in the world, and with the amount of content available on their website it’s hard to doubt them.
What Do Grade Saver Offer?
Grade Saver focus on classic literature, and are pretty much a one-stop-shop when it comes to student resources. The main areas of their website cover:
Free study guides – on novels, plays, poems and films. Each guide includes summaries, essays, chapter-by-chapter summary and analysis, characters, themes, author biography, and quiz.
- Questions and answers – where you can ask a question and hope to receive answers from other students or educators.
- Lesson plans for teachers – requires a paid membership to access.
- Essay editing service – pay per essay for a review and edit to your writing to ensure it “expresses your message, illuminates your strengths and captivates your reader”.
- Literature essays – high-quality papers that provide critical analysis of a piece of literature, written by students and requiring paid membership.
- College application essays – help you to understand the fundamentals of a great college application essay. Requires paid membership.
- Writing resources – free essays on how to improve different aspects of essay writing.
Shakespeare On Grade Saver
Grade Saver offer one rather in-depth biography of William Shakespeare, plus a complete study guide to each of Shakespeare’s 37 plays, long-form poems, and one study guide covering all 154 sonnets. These study guides all contain:
- An overview
- Characters
- Summary & analysis by act
- Original text
- Questions and answers
- Complete essays
- Lesson plans
About GradeSavers’ Website
Since their launch in 1999 Grade Saver have grown into one of the largest online literature resources around
Their website currently receives around 5 million visits each month, with website users spending just over three minutes on average, reading 1.8 pages per visit.
Just under 50% of their users come from the United States, with other English-speaking countries such as Australia, India, Canada, and the United Kingdom making up the majority of the remaining users
Grade Saver website performance, from SimilarWeb
Grade Saver In Their Own Words
You have goals… we have help. GradeSaver offers the highest quality study guides.
Written and edited by Harvard students. ClassicNotes are the best book notes available online, in PDF or in print from Amazon.
With millions of users each month and over 400 titles, ClassicNotes ranks among the largest academic resources available online.
We have received international recognition from USAToday, The Guardian (London) and Die Zeit (Germany) as well as many other local papers across the US and UK.
What Do NoSweatShakespeare Offer?
Our mission is to help everyone understand Shakespeare’s language.
Much like No Fear Shakespeare, we offer a broad range of Shakespeare resources. Our free resources cover everything from play and sonnet translations to in-depth looks at characters, play summaries, themes, settings, and significant and famous Shakespeare quotes from all of his works
We also have lots of general information about Shakespeare’s life, family, homes in London and Stratford, theatres, and use of language. Plus we have a Shakespeare blog that covers some of the fun and modern-day takes on the Bard of Avon.
And last, but certainly not least, we offer a range of NoSweatShakespeare ebooks. These stem from a realisation that although so much good work has been done on textual aspects and the broad grasp of plot, few resources are available to give students a complete grasp of the complexity of a whole Shakespeare text in one short reading. (See samples of Shakespeare’s plays as modern English ebooks.)
That’s our review done of what GradeSaver has to offer the online Shakespeare ecosystem. What are your thoughts – have you used them before and have an opinion?
We’d love to hear from you. Please do join in with the comments section below!
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