Comments on: Henry V Review, The Globe Theatre 2022 <strong><a href="/">Modern Shakespeare</a></strong> resources, <strong><a href="/sonnets/">sonnet translations</a></strong> & lots more! Fri, 23 Dec 2022 13:55:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mick Jelfs Fri, 23 Dec 2022 13:55:49 +0000 The title role performance of Oliver Johnson is impressive. For the most part he delivers the main speeches very well, that is, what is left of the main speeches in this production. The production as a whole was rather disappointing. Dispensing with the services of the the Chorus didn’t help. Nor did the absence of costumes. Nor did the fact that so many parts were played by the same actors. Just naming the characters in a scene barely made things clearer when the same actors, in the same voice, had been someone entirely different 30 seconds before. Luckily I know the play very well so it was not so much of an issue for me. However, those attending to see a story unfold before them would be sorely disappointed and very confused, as indeed were three member of my party. It would have been better if, at some point, a significant nod to the battle of Agincourt had been included!

The last scene, not in Shakespeare’s version, made a contemporary political point and really would have been better if it had been trotted out after the original play, and the applause, had finished.
The tickets should be sold with the disclaimer that unless you are very familiar with the history of Henry V and the 100 years war, the play itself, and all the characters involved, you will probably regret making the effort to see this version.
