Comments on: ‘Round the Bend’, Meaning & Context <strong><a href="/">Modern Shakespeare</a></strong> resources, <strong><a href="/sonnets/">sonnet translations</a></strong> & lots more! Wed, 12 Apr 2023 22:11:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: philip harris Wed, 12 Apr 2023 22:11:23 +0000 Going round the bend originates in Victorian England and is derived from the ‘lunatic asylums’ /mental hospitals of the time which were secluded, private and enclosed. Any discussion of mental disability was a taboo and in order to conceal the main building most hospitals did not have a straight entrance but often a meandering driveway with bends to hide the main building from outsiders view….hence ‘going round the bend’ for those with a mental health illness or disability.
