Comments on: Love’s Labour’s Lost Summary <strong><a href="/">Modern Shakespeare</a></strong> resources, <strong><a href="/sonnets/">sonnet translations</a></strong> & lots more! Sat, 26 Sep 2020 19:54:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Catherine A. Boss Sun, 28 Jul 2019 03:26:46 +0000 This play has entertained me since I was a chid. It is fun, childish, and full of the here and now behavior of the actors. Shakespeare’s play on words, and innuendoes in “Spring” bring dread along with the beauty of warm weather bringing out the girls who may or may not flirt, stray or betray.
Why does Greasy Joan, who is perpetually keeling the pot, give me pause? And why is she so damned greasy? I imagine her an overweight (well, rotund), short troll-like kitchen worker who is not important in the family amongst Tom and others. Yet, there she is: several references about her in “Winter.” You go, Greasy Joan! I hope you can find your way home when your work is done; home through the snow and the tu-whits of the owls spying upon you. These poems have given me so much pleasure in my almost 70 years of life. Thank you, dear William S.

By: Archanabhardwaj Tue, 19 Jun 2012 08:12:08 +0000 Loves labours lost is the comedy play and one of the most important play
