Comments on: Friar Laurence, Romeo and Juliet <strong><a href="/">Modern Shakespeare</a></strong> resources, <strong><a href="/sonnets/">sonnet translations</a></strong> & lots more! Thu, 05 Mar 2020 13:23:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: anonymous Mon, 02 Mar 2020 22:32:56 +0000 In reply to Matt.

very true if the friar had not married them in general no one would have died (mabey) but they had known each other for what, 2, 3 days tops and they are getting married !!! its all friar lawrence’s fault any of this happened

By: Matt Thu, 20 Feb 2020 17:26:34 +0000 I cannot condone calling Friar Laurence a good man. While his intention may be noble, lying to Juliet’s parents’ faces in act four, scene five simply to avoid being caught in the hasty marriage plan. He enters the scene happily, essentially asking “Who’s ready for some marriage?” knowing full well they have (or soon will) discovered what they think is her corpse. The nerve. Then he monologues, stating “she’s best married that dies married young.” This is their only living daughter. Sure, Capulet has a temper and threatens to kick his daughter out of his house, but does that make faking her death and lying to the man’s face about it okay?
He’s despicable.
